June 29, 2016
June 28, 2016
February 23, 2016
All photography tools come from a need. A need to produce a better image, a better video or just a better end product. When we saw this new DJI OSMO tool, Visual Technology wanted to see it up close and personal. This steady cam, for lack of a better term, helps in those situations when you need to track a person or object and you need image stabilization built into your shot. In the earlier days of videography you would have to wear essentially “body armor” with weights to counter balance the swings of the camera. Then came on the […]
February 18, 2016
Recently Steve and his studio staff were talking about some of the more challenging jobs we have encountered over the past couple of years. A client called a while back asking if we could do some on-site product photography for a unique piece of equipment that they had designed and built, and was being shipped overseas. Literally after we did the photography they were packaging it up and rolling it out the garage door. No chance for a redo, this had to be done correctly the first time. A tricky bit of photography with a stainless steel piece of equipment […]
February 2, 2016
First Impressions Matter ~ Last week Steve was called upon to photograph Dr. Wells of Festivals of Music (FOM) in Douglasville, PA. Dr. Wells remembered Steve from his early career days doing event photography around the country during the late 80’s and early 90’s. After shooting events for FOM and Jolesch Photography, Steve reconnected with FOM in the early 2000’s and has been doing corporate portraits and special assignments for them ever since. Dr. Wells commented that, back when FOM was getting off the ground, his staff would insist on having Steve as their event photographer ~he was fun, energetic, […]
December 15, 2014
May 14, 2014
February 11, 2014